
Rebound by kwame alexander
Rebound by kwame alexander

Invisible to us, the choices of our parents and grandparents surround us.

rebound by kwame alexander

He dreams of being like all those heroes. Sure he wants the Air Jordans to give him the confidence that he can fly and sting like a bee. The tempting quick fix of his friend's cousin Ivan is lurking just on the edges of his life. He could have followed the path to quick and easy.

rebound by kwame alexander

It turns out he could have chosen a path of self-destruction. If you've read the first two books, you know the ending and you know the kind father he was to his boys. Will he set his sights on owning a pair of Air Jordans or will he set his sights on working hard for what he wants to become? Can he find a way to work through his pain instead of stuffing it down? It's a story that illuminates the power of who you choose to surround you. It's a story of paths you can choose. His two best friends, Skinny and C.J., give him the fork in the road. It's a story of family and how generations can come together to hold and heal. It's a story of pain and how it can drive you in the wrong direction as you struggle to escape it. This is the story of Chuck Bell, or Charlie Bell as he is when we first meet him. But who was this man? Who was Chuck Bell? How did he become the father he was to these young men? Where did he learn his values? What shaped him? You have shed a tear or two over the passing of their father, Chuck Bell, a man who taught his sons what to value and how to handle themselves on their journey through life. If you have read Crossed and Booked then you know the twin brothers, Jordan and Josh and you even know Filthy McNasty.

rebound by kwame alexander

There is no dad to help him through those places.

rebound by kwame alexander

He can't figure out what to do with all the pain and all the anger he is holding. But Charlie's dad is gone and Charlie just can't get his mind around it. Nobody expected the promise of those trips to be cut short by death. This is the father who would take off two weeks every summer to hit the road with his son to explore state capital cities in the U.S. He feels alone and he is struggling to deal with grief.

Rebound by kwame alexander